Ideological classification of brazilian parties
Dataset description [PDF]
Utilized in:
Borges, André; Vidigal, Robert. (eds). Para Entender a Nova Direita Brasileira: Polarização, populismo e antipetismo. Porto Alegre: Editora Zouk, 2023.
Presidential Cabinets and Pre-electoral coalitions in Latin America
presidential powers and regime types
Dataset description [PDF]
Utilized in: Borges, André; Ribeiro, Pedro Floriano.(2023). “Presidents, Prime Ministers and Legislative Behaviour: The Conditional Effect of Presidential Legislative Powers on Party Unity”. Government and Opposition, 58(2), 227-48.
Presidential powers and regime types
– Codebook [PDF]
Replication data for Borges & Ribeiro (2021)
– Variable description [XLS]